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日本将推出温泉游乐园 裹浴巾享受刺激

作者:佚名  来源:中国日报网   更新:2016-11-30 19:52:10  点击:  切换到繁體中文



Ever fancied soaking your feet while simultaneously hurtling through the air on a roller coaster? 你曾幻想过一边泡脚,一边坐在过山车上在空中飞驰吗?

Soon you'll be able to, after the mayor of a Japanese city announced the construction of a bizarre 'spa-musement' park when a viral video campaign for the project racked up over a million views. 很快你就能体验这种感觉了。近日,一段呼吁修建“温泉游乐园”的视频走红网络,视频浏览量累计超过100万次后,日本的一位市长宣布将建设这一奇葩工程。

Yasuhiro Nagano, the mayor of Beppu city in the south of Japan, which is famed for its hot springs, proposed the spa and amusement park hybrid in a video posted to YouTube last week. 日本南部城市别府市以温泉而闻名,该市市长康裕长野上周在YouTube视频网站上传一则视频,提出了将温泉和游乐园融合在一起的构想。

In the promotional clip, he said: 'When this video reaches one million views, we hereby pledge to construct an onsen (hot springs) amusement park in Beppu city.' 他在宣传短片中说:“我们在此承诺,当视频浏览量破百万时,便在别府市打造一座温泉游乐园。”

The video, filmed at Beppu Rakutenchi amusement park, imagines what the 'spa-musement' park might look like. 这段视频是在别府Rakutenchi游乐园拍摄的,勾勒了温泉游乐园的样子。

In the clip, thrill-seekers can be seen wandering through the park in nothing but towels tied around their waists, and taking a family bath in the car of a Ferris wheel. 从视频中可以看到,寻求刺激的人们仅裹着一条浴巾在园中漫步,一家人在摩天轮里泡澡。

One scene even shows roller coaster carriages filled with soothing spa water. 甚至有一个场景是过山车车厢装满了有舒缓作用的温泉水。

日本将推出温泉游乐园 裹浴巾享受刺激

The video quickly attracted more than one million viewers and the mayor has confirmed the park will be built. 视频很快吸引了一百多万观众,而别府市市长也已经确认将建造温泉游乐园。

In a statement the mayor said: 'We were surprised by the rapid, speedy response, which allowed us to reach our target of one million views in just four days after the clip was uploaded to YouTube,' according to RocketNews24. 据RocketNews24报道,别府市市长在一份声明中称:“视频上传至YouTube网站后,短短四天内就达到了我们设定的100万观看目标,我们对如此迅速的反响感到惊喜。”

He added: 'I believe that, as one of the world’s best hot spring tourist spots, the appeal of having an onsen theme park in the town creates an opportunity for the citizens of Beppu, particularly young residents, to feel that “Beppu is fun” and have a sense of pride for their hometown.' 他还表示:“我认为,作为全球最棒的温泉旅游景点之一,在别府打造的温泉主题乐园带来的吸引力能够让别府市民,尤其是年轻人认为‘别府很好玩’,还能让他们对自己的家乡产生自豪感。”

'We weren't expecting this many views, but we sure are happy,' said Michitaka Kubota, a spokesman from Beppu's tourist department told Japan Times. 别府旅游部发言人久保田通高对《日本时报》表示,“我们没有期望过会有如此多的浏览量,不过我们当然为此感到开心。”

Beppu has more hot springs than anywhere else in the world, with 83,058 liters of water flowing per minute. 别府是世界上温泉最多的地方,每分钟流出的温泉水为83058升。

And the town is trying to boost the number of non-Japanese tourists visiting Beppu. 别府正在尝试增加外国游客数量。

In 2015, the city attracted 437,764 foreign visitors, up from 278,776 in 2010. 2010年别府的外国游客人数为27万8776人,2015年则增加到43万7764人。

Commenters on social media were very excited about the proposed 'spa-musement' park. 社交媒体用户对温泉游乐园提案非常激动。

Twitter user Dan said: 'Spamusement will go down in history as our generation's greatest achievement'. 推特用户Dan称:“温泉游乐园是我们这代人最伟大的成就,它将被载入史册。”

Landon Sperry added: 'GUYS! They're going to build this "Spamusement" park in Japan if they get to one million views! Let's do this!'Landon Sperry表示:“亲们!如果视频浏览量达到100万,他们就要在日本建造‘温泉游乐园’了!赶快行动吧!”


rack up: 累计 ferris wheel: 摩天轮 soothing: 慰藉的


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